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UPDATED: Monday, 14th October 4:43PM

The GRACE report released October 9 makes clear that sexual abuse of the most horrid nature - to children - has taken place under our leadership. To RV1, RV2, and any and all other Reporting Victims of this abuse we are sorry for the suffering you have endured and continue to endure. 


It was our job as shepherds to protect you from harm. We failed in this duty. We are sorry for failing to recognize that you were being abused, and we are sorry our apology has been so late in coming.


We regret, as the GRACE report points out, that we took several months to initiate the independent investigation. Going forward we are going to revise our policies and procedures with the goal of preventing this from ever happening again in our church.

UPDATED: Monday, 14th October 4:43PM


We have discovered through the release of this report that the number of individuals affected is much larger than previously understood.


On Sunday, we became aware of a vibrant and growing community of survivors and supporters.


One notable group is the CLCS Advocates. We invite you to learn more about their important work by clicking the link below.


This page is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering accountability regarding the incidents of sexual abuse that occurred at CLC and CLC school.


We believe in the importance of transparency, healing, and justice. This is why we hired G.R.A.C.E, an independent investigation firm.  


This site serves to report their findings and to bring community awareness.


Together, we aim to ensure that such violations are acknowledged, addressed, and never repeated.


Your voice matters, and we are here to listen.

This report was just published and there is much to digest and follow up on. In the meantime, we ask for your patience as we process the injustice discovered.


In the near future, we will have an official response. Until then we will be working and ministering behind the scenes to those impacted.  


Noelle is one of the victims who has bravely requested that we share her open letter to CLC and the broader community, which contains sensitive and direct information. Please be aware that the contents is very difficult to read.



This document contains sensitive and graphic accounts of sexual abuse.


The content may be inappropriate to read, especially to readers under 18 years of age.


The content may also be distressing to some readers.


Reader discretion is advised.


If you or someone you know is affected by the topics discussed, we encourage seeking support from a qualified professional or a dedicated helpline.

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